No-Till Drill

The SWCD’s 10-ft. John Deere 1590 no-till drill

To schedule the use of the No-till drill, contact the Clark County Soil & Water Conservation District Office at 812-256-2330, ext. 3, during normal business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A current drill rental agreement must be on file with the SWCD prior to picking up the drill.  Click below for form. This may be completed and mailed or dropped off to the SWCD office at 9608 Highway 62, Charlestown, IN 47111, or emailed to Please review the Quick Start Guide below to familiarize yourself with its’ operation before using.

The drill rental rate is $10.00 per acre with a $75.00 minimum.

A deposit may be required  in advance with the balance due at the completion of planting.

An additional charge of $50.00 will be added for each day that the Rental Property is held over plantable days.  (Calculated on a 25 acre per day planting rate – 1 day minimum.)

A $50.00  cleaning charge will assessed if the seed box and seed tubes are not cleaned out before being returned.

$100 out-of-county charge for use of the drill outside the boundaries of Clark County, IN (in addition to the per acre rate)

The drill is picked up and returned to the Clark SWCD exhibit area  located at the Clark County 4-H Fairgrounds in Charlestown, IN.

Users are required to record the beginning and ending meter reading before and after use and report those readings to the Clark SWCD office for billing.

The SWCD Office will bill the user after receiving the beginning and ending meter readings.  Payment will be due upon receipt.